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Are you getting value from your IT provider?

Managed IT vs Break-Fix

As IT becomes more and more ingrained into all businesses, the value you’re getting from your IT provider cannot be overlooked. Your IT is a crucial element in ensuring your business can operate effectively and productively. Now more than ever it’s vital you choose a provider that goes above and beyond just a break-fix service.

Traditional ‘Break-Fix’ IT providers

We see a lot of businesses who have been with the same IT provider for many years, often since they first began. Whilst this can be beneficial (as they likely know the ins and outs of your business), if they’re not innovative, they could be holding you back. Traditionally IT support companies were there to ‘fix things’ when they break, and a number of them still do. But this approach isn’t good enough anymore. Forward thinking IT providers will use the latest technologies and solutions to proactively enhance your business.

Fully Managed IT Services

On the other end of the scale to the break-fix model is a fully managed IT service, which every business needs. With a managed IT service, you are effectively outsourcing your IT team to a third party to take responsibility of as many or as few elements of your IT as required. As part of a fixed monthly rate, most managed IT providers will offer support, software licenses, security licences and hosting. Bristol IT Company take managed IT to the next level

Bristol IT Company’s added value solution

At Bristol IT Company we go above and beyond the service of traditional managed IT providers. We take pride in the personable, experienced and proactive service we deliver alongside every solution we implement. As part of our Managed IT service you also have access to a dedicated Technical Account Manager who will deliver regular IT strategy and technology reviews on your business, as well as ad hoc consultancy, to continually find ways of improving your service.

Benefits at-a-glance

  • Per employee cost: Easier to budget for taking on new staff
  • Less financial worry: No need to worry about getting charged per phone call
  • Less administration: Clients don’t need to keep track of hours spent as you would with a credit-based model
  • Simpler invoicing: Clear and consistent costs
  • Service and technology reviews: Personalised IT strategy from your virtual IT manager
  • Monthly Health Checks: Reports on health of IT estate using a scoring system

Total cost of ownership

Whilst for some the set monthly fee may be a put off, when you understand the negative implications to your business of your IT failing or being compromised, it’s a small price to pay for assurance. Bristol IT’s managed IT service provides you with a technical, strategic and proactive solution.

So, if you think your current provider is falling short and no longer providing value, then please get in touch.