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Assured Digital Technologies introduces mental health first aiders

Assured Digital Technologies have introduced mental health first-aiders into the workplace, to assist employees who may require support. This is part of a larger effort to improve employee morale throughout the organisation. 

Two employees are now fully qualified mental health first-aiders, and the company plans to have more in the coming years.  

Assured Digital Technologies held their first well-being lunch on Thursday, July 7th, which saw the first introduction to Mental Health First Aiders and what their role within the company will be. Future initiatives were also outlined to show the commitment of each of the employees.  

50% of work-related ill health is related to work-related stress, depression or anxiety, according to the 2020/21 Health & Safety Executive report. Assured Digital Technologies is committed to improving the well-being of its staff, and introducing Mental Health First Aiders is a step in the right direction. 

On becoming Mental First Aiders, Alex Withers, Technical Solutions Specialist and Andrew Strachan, Quality Manager, commented on what this means for them as individuals and for the company: 

Alex Withers commented: “I am very passionate about improving Mental Health Awareness and well-being, and so when I was given the chance to do the Mental Health First Aid Course, I jumped at the chance! This will bring a wealth of support to the company and further help the ongoing company initiatives” 

Andrew Strachan commented: “I am enormously proud to be one of ADT’s Mental Health First Aiders. Our Employees are our biggest asset, so it is extremely important to take care of their physical and mental health. I am looking forward to a positive, proactive approach to our Wellbeing strategy and for us all to reap the rewards in the future.” 

The excellence training by St John Ambulance has given the empowerment and support to Assured Digital Technologies, to enhance its goal of achieving a positive and proactive approach to their Wellbeing strategy moving forward.