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Changes Bristol is our Charity of the Year

Each year, Assured Digital Technologies champions a local charity. Our aim is to not only raise funds for our charity partner but also to help raise awareness of the excellent work they do in our community. This year, we have chosen to partner with Changes Bristol, a local mental health charity.

The UK is grappling with a number of mental health crises, with people of all age groups affected. Socio-economic pressures, limited access to quality care, the perceived stigma associated with mental health and the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to influence the mood of the nation.

Changes Bristol is a peer support mental health charity. Established in 2003, it provides support to communities in the City of Bristol and across North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Although we work with businesses across the UK, Bristol is where we live, so the work carried out by Changes Bristol is particularly close to our hearts.

“As a local Bristol business, we are honoured to support Changes Bristol as our charity partner of the year, recognising the vital work they do in our community to improve mental health outcomes” 

– Alex W., Technical Solutions Specialist at Assured Digital Technologies.

Changes Bristol provides support in four key areas:

  1. Weekly support meetings for people to share their experiences in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
  2. A befriending service to match people with volunteers for one-to-one peer support.
  3. Volunteering opportunities to help people gain new skills and regain their confidence.
  4. Bespoke mental health awareness training in the workplace

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved, you can make a donation via the Changes Bristol website. The charity is also a centre of excellence for volunteering. Like most charities, it is dependent upon the goodwill and expertise of its volunteers. If you would like to participate, find out more about volunteering here.