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Guide Dog Fundraiser – The Results!

Every day 250 people in the UK start to lose their sight.

On Thursday 12th September Bristol IT Company hosted a charity fundraiser in aid of Guide Dogs. We chose to support this particular charity as our very own Customer Care Manager, Dave relies on Zeus his guide dog to get by day to day. It is incredible to see first hand the amazing work Zeus does for Dave and we can all appreciate the hard work that goes into training these dogs. 

The support we received for the event was overwhelming. From the Quorum staff who enabled us to use the reception space for the event to all those who attended and donated money. To the Guide Dog ambassadors who brought their dogs and told their stories. To the staff here at BITC who all baked something for our cake stall. To the local businesses who donated prizes for our raffle, we couldn’t have done it without you.

As a result of everyone’s efforts, we are thrilled to announce we raised a whopping £724.14 for Guide Dogs.

For those who couldn’t attend or would still like to donate you can do so via our justgiving page: https://justgiving.com/fundraising/bitcguidedogs

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone involved, the money you helped us raise gives people with sight loss their freedom back.

Thank you.