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Help us name a Guide Dog puppy!

Every hour, another person in the UK goes blind.

Guide Dogs is here to make sure they don’t lose their freedom as well.

We started fundraising for Guide Dogs in support of our Customer Care Manager, Dave who relied on his Guide Dog Zeus to support him day to day. We could see how important Zeus was in enabling Dave to be independent.

Sadly in December 2019 Dave passed away making this charity even closer to our hearts.

We know how passionate Dave was in supporting Guide Dogs and he regularly volunteered at their events where he could.

We’d like to continue his good work and so all of us here at Bristol IT Company have decided to make Guide Dogs UK our official chosen charity and we’re taking part in their Name a Puppy campaign.

Last year we held a successful fundraiser and will be holding more events throughout 2020 and beyond.
We’ve set a goal to raise at least £2,500, in order for us to name a Guide Dog puppy.
Keep an eye out for our next fundraiser and if you’d like to donate now (no amount is too small) please visit our just giving page and help us smash our target.


The guide dog service does not receive any government funding and relies solely on donations to continue their life-changing work.