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Increase Revenue with Cloud Collaboration tools

Cloud solutions are becoming a major element of all business IT environments. The question now is no longer just should you move to the Cloud but how much of your infrastructure can you move. In fact, according to findings by 451 research, 90% of companies use some type of cloud service already. A recent survey by Futurecast has explored the benefits of using Cloud Collaboration tools within organisations and how they now go beyond just improving internal workings. Whether you have already started your journey to the Cloud or are still yet to, explore the benefits to your business in our latest post.

Business benefits of Cloud Collaboration

Many businesses are aware of the internal business benefits Cloud Collaboration solutions can bring, such as empowering employees or optimising operations. The Futurecast survey found that the majority of organisations did indeed use collaboration solutions to empower employees or optimise operations. The key element here is the improved communication leading to more efficient working. Whilst these are still key advantages, Cloud collaboration benefits go beyond saving time and money, with Cloud tools you can actually increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction.

Transforming products and services with Cloud

As the use of Cloud collaboration tools is growing in businesses, the Futurecast survey has shown that new benefits have been realised. 58% of the respondents expect to see increased revenues, rather than reduced expenses as the main financial benefit of the cloud. So how can Cloud increase revenue? It’s believed that the improved collaboration with Cloud tools speeds up product development. Respondents highlighted the faster time to market as a top benefit but also the increased pace of brainstorming for R&D and the whole product life cycle. 

Improve customer experience with Cloud

Improved collaboration with Cloud also contributes to an improved customer experience. Survey respondents saw the top benefit being real-time sharing of information to resolve customer questions faster (41%). In resolving customer queries faster improves the customer experience with your organisation and may also contribute towards increased revenue. With information being so readily available in today’s world, customers want the same speed in communicating with businesses. Being slow equates to poor customer experience which could result in losing business. 

Microsoft Cloud Collaboration Solutions

So now we’ve reviewed the benefits Cloud Collaboration toolscloud collaboration can have for your business, what are the available solutions? Microsoft offer a complete suite of Cloud collaboration tools. Below you can see the top 4 categories of cloud collaboration tools that are the top of organisation’s deployment plans based on the Futurecast Survey. If you’re looking to deploy any of these cloud collaboration solutions, speak to us today.

Feature Microsoft Solution
1 Document Sharing Microsoft Teams, Sharepoint, OneDrive
2 Video Conferencing Microsoft Teams
3 Email Office 365
4 Web Conferencing Microsoft Teams

Unlock the benefits of Cloud

The business benefits with cloud collaboration go beyond empowering employees. The improved communication between employees, customers and suppliers facilitates great customer experience and more effective product development. We regularly migrate organisations to Microsoft 365 which is an all encompassing solution that includes Microsoft Teams, Office 365 and much more. If you’d like to find out more please get in touch.