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Merger Announcement: MDS Technologies and Bristol IT Company

We are delighted to announce the merger of MDS Technologies Ltd (MDS) and Bristol IT Company Ltd (Bristol IT) under the new umbrella holding company of Assured Digital Technologies Ltd.

Over the last year, we embarked upon a journey to identify an organisation with similar business credentials as our own, the same values and ethos, and a comprehensive and highly complementary portfolio of IT services. We sought this merger as we believe it would deliver the increased breadth, depth and maturity of managed cloud and IT services whilst also supporting our business growth aspirations with the expansion of services and capability. This will be to the benefit of our customers, both existing and new, as well as our people and those we wish to attract to our new organisation in the future.

Organisation backgrounds

Both organisations, located in the South West, are well established and well respected in the IT sector. Bristol IT provide Managed IT services including IT Support, Cybersecurity and Connectivity to SMEs and MDS provide assured managed Cloud and infrastructure solutions primarily to Government and Public Sector organisations.

Reason for merger

Combining the two businesses allows us to create greater value and opportunity for our customers through the combined capabilities and enhanced portfolio of services. Both businesses share the same values, ethos and passion for delivering exceptional customer service and we will continue to be a trusted, understandable, expert solutions partner who listens, under Assured Digital Technologies.

Combined capabilities

As a result of the merger, Assured Digital Technologies possesses the expertise and experience to provide a compelling suite of services and managed solutions for both Public and Private sector organisations. For further information about the new services portfolio see our Combined Capabilities document.

What this means for our customers

In the short term, both Bristol IT and MDS will operate with the same brand identity that you are used to seeing and customers will continue to work with the same team as you have in the past. However, you will also be introduced to new names and faces. Neither MDS or Bristol IT would be where they are today without our loyal customers and we want to thank you and assure you of our continued commitment and support going forward with the same high standards of service, quality, assurance and friendliness. 

Both Bristol IT and MDS are very excited about this merger and the future opportunities that will be available as Assured Digital Technologies, and we look forward to sharing this journey with you.

For more information about our enhanced solutions portfolio please contact us.