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Modernising your IT with Microsoft 365

With new technology comes new opportunities to save money and increase productivity in the workplace. Microsoft 365 is one solution that is becoming increasingly popular with businesses today when moving to the Cloud. Bristol IT Company has the expertise to modernise your IT with Microsoft 365.

What is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 (often confused with Office 365) is a Cloud solution package that contains a number of business applications that improve productivity and facilitate collaboration.

The difference between Microsoft 365 and Office 365

It’s a common misconception that Microsoft 365 and Office 365 are synonymous. They are of course both Microsoft Cloud solutions but Office 365 is a package that makes up part of the Microsoft 365 solution. Office 365 contains the common programmes you probably use for your work like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Alongside Office 365, Microsoft 365 includes Windows 10 licensing and Enterprise Mobility + Security (EM+S), making it an all encompassing solution for businesses.

How Microsoft 365 can modernise your IT

Bristol IT Company recommend the implementation of Microsoft 365 to introduce feature rich and secure email, cloud data storage and domain control of company computers and staff user accounts. Below we’ve listed a few key benefits of moving your business to Microsoft 365.

Benefits of Microsoft 365

  • Windows 7 EOL – As we discussed in a previous post, Microsoft has announced support for Windows 7 will end in January 2020. We recommend migrating to Windows 10, the license for which is included with Microsoft 365 packages.
  • Office 365 – Microsoft 365 includes all the business tools included in Office 365 such as Outlook email, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel and much more!
  • Security – Microsoft 365 provides Device Management for all company devices, enabling you to manage and delete company data when needed which helps support GDPR. What’s more you can centrally manage all your corporate devices.
  • Save money – If you are already using Office 365 or Windows 10 for just a small extra cost you have the whole suite of Microsoft 365 and its security solutions.

Microsoft 365 Business vs Enterprise

Microsoft 365

Modernise your IT today!

So if your current infrastructure is becoming outdated and you’re looking to modernise your IT, then look no further. We can come and assess your current setup free of charge and develop a strategy of how you can utilise the cloud and Microsoft 365 to revolutionise the way you work. Contact us for more information.