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Proactive IT services with our support packages

Choosing to outsource your IT department rather than keep it in-house offers organsiations, of all sizes, a number of key benefits. While proactive IT support, monitoring your infrastructure, and cloud migration are some of the standout reasons, the benefits don’t stop there.

Further benefits of choosing a managed service provider (MSP), like ourselves, include cost-effectiveness and futureproofing. It also gives you access to the experts and cutting edge technology and allows employees to focus their efforts on business requirements to free them up from handling day-to-day IT issues.

Whilst some clients would like to outsource their IT department fully and let us take care of managing their IT infrastructure, not all organisations will need this level of involvement immediately. Bringing all this into play, our IT support services are packaged to reflect the different levels of IT support that you require.

Each package provides services that reflect the level of support needed, clients can upgrade from one package to another at any time, whether the chosen service represents the first step in digital transformation or solves an immediate need. With our IT support packages, we can ensure that all clients are able to invest in the right mix of products and services, closely meeting your individual requirements.

Starting from monitoring your infrastructure, progressing to remote support, followed by fully Managed IT, each package includes services that are unique to the package. Optional upgrades can be added to all packages.

While all packages include network infrastructure monitoring and maintenance, onboarding & initial systems health check, and office broadband monitoring, our recommended ‘Fully Managed’ packages also includes quarterly account management meeting, on-site support (2pcm), annual IT strategy planning, and enterprise-class email filtering.

IT Support

IT support is one of the fundamentals of our business, and it’s how we’ve built great relationships with clients over the past 30+ years as an IT support company. We understand that when something goes wrong, it can put your whole business on hold, ultimately losing you money. Our Bristol-based, IT service desk provides expert advice, delivered in a way that’s clear to you. We act as an extension of your team and take the time to understand how best we can support you to give you peace of mind. Providing IT support effectively and efficiently is our main priority.


·     Engineers who speak your language – Although our engineers have an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of information technologies and solutions they always speak to you in plain English

·     Preventative support – When an issue arises we don’t want it to happen again, and neither do you. That’s why our engineers will thoroughly explore the problem and put measures in place to try to prevent it from happening again. A ‘quick fix’ is rarely a good fix

·     Nationwide IT Support – We provide IT support for clients across the UK, with customers spanning from London, all the way up to Scotland. With 95% of issues being resolved entirely remotely, location doesn’t hold us back

·     Fully outsourced or extension of your team – Whether you already have an in-house IT department or not, we can support you. If you don’t have an internal team then fully outsourcing could reduce costs rather than hiring, training, and developing a new team. If you do have an IT manager or entire IT team we are available for additional support as and when required.


Using Datto’s Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tool enables us to remotely monitor all of your IT environment and spot issues, often before they can disrupt your business. Whilst break-fix maintenance may work for some, for many, it’s far more productive to be able to prevent a problem from happening rather than waiting for it to happen and then fixing it.


·     Proactive support – We can address potential cyber security issues before they become a problem because we have the ability to monitor your business’ devices, applications, and systems continuously

·     Rapid response – When a particular issue or scenario arises, we are on top of it immediately and can give it the focused attention necessary to minimise any disruption

·     Actionable insight – We can arm you with the insight you need about how your technology is performing, empowering you to make fact-based decisions to optimise your technology investments and improve business continuity

·     World-class security – It’s more important than ever to protect your IT infrastructure and the devices you use to run your business. Datto RMM has built-in comprehensive security measures at every point

Domain names

We are Domain Name Registrars in our own right, directly registered with Nominet, the top-level registrar for all United Kingdom domain names. This means that all .UK domain names registered through us are directly managed by us on our clients’ behalf, and not through intermediaries.

This enables us to offer very fast response times, for example in setting up, changing, or removing specific domains. In addition, we provide clients with expert technical advice on all domain-related questions and full support, including DNS setup, maintenance, and tuning.

Cloud migration

Moving your business to the Cloud can be an overwhelming task but one with countless benefits. Cloud technology enables you to work more productively, collaborate effectively, better manage and protect your data and support you to grow your business. We’ve helped numerous clients reap the benefits of migrating to the Cloud by planning and implementing the most up-to-date cloud solutions with minimal disruption to their business.

By using our experience, expertise, and flexibility, we also act not only as your own IT consultant but also as your technology partner. We will work closely with you to understand how your business operates, what you want to achieve, and then we’ll create a solution that works for you. Whether you have an idea of the services you require or just know the problems you want to solve, we’ll guide you every step of the way.

Offering support that best suits your business goals, contact us today and find out which of our IT support packages is right for you.