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Safer Internet Day 2018

Many of us at Bristol IT Company are parents (even grandparents!), and we all recognise the risks and threats that the internet and social media pose to our children. Which is why we are proud supporters of Safer Internet Day.

What is Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day happens in over one hundred countries worldwide. This year it’s Tuesday 6th February. Its goal is to promote safe, positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

It offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the roles we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to all join together in helping to create a better internet.

Why do we need Safer Internet Day?

The internet can be a dangerous place unless approached with care and respect.

Surveys have shown that seven out of ten parents don’t know if their children are careful on the internet or not, and one in five of us has no idea at all what our children are looking at on the web.

Despite the huge value it has to modern society, every week there is something in the news about the negative effect that the internet has had on young people. It might be bullying, obsessive behaviour or even grooming by paedophiles. Many parts of the internet we value highly, such as social media, video calling and the web, also seem to be used to harm the young, innocent people we love.

It shouldn’t be that way, and Safer Internet Day is about encouraging both parents and children to be aware of the dangers and giving them tools to stay safe.

What can you do?

Discussing the risks to children associated with the internet may feel like scaremongering, but it really isn’t. So use Safer Internet Day as a reason to talk to yours, about what they do and say, and who they contact, on-line. Check their internet activity including phones/tablets and their social media accounts, not just the websites they visit.

Encourage your children to take the Safer Internet Day quiz to understand how the internet affects their day to day lives and their online friendships. (and maybe take it yourself)

You can find good resources through the Safer Internet website

Please do discuss the problem, too. Use the hashtag #SID2018 to join the “shout-out”.