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Sustainable hardware solutions with Circular Computing™

It’s no secret that many of us could be doing more when it comes to looking after the environment. Businesses too can make a real difference making small changes to their procurement but often it’s not realised.

The real cost of manufacturing laptops

Did you know that to create just one laptop requires approximately:

  • 316kg of CO₂ emissions
  • 1,200kg of valuable critical minerals
  • Over 190,000 litres of water (for extraction, refining & production of a new computer)

But what’s the alternative? The majority of businesses need reliable, fit for purpose laptops, often in large quantities. We’ve recently partnered with Circular Computing™ who have found a solution – sustainable computing without compromising on performance or quality.

About Circular Computing™

In the enterprise market, the average laptop is rarely kept beyond the 3-year lease warranty, yet they are small enough, light enough and powerful enough to last far longer. Circular Computing™ remanufacture enterprise-grade, leading-brand laptops to give them a new lease of life. Their products have 97% of the performance of the latest models, cost less than new, come backed with a 3 Year warranty, are eco-friendly and ethically processed in the world’s first fully certified factory dedicated to the high-volume remanufacturing of laptops.

What’s the difference between remanufactured and refurbished?

The 5+ hour remanufacturing process is completed through an ISO 9001, 14001, and 18001 compliant purpose-built factory to the ISO8887 remanufacturing standards. It involves fully testing, repairing, or upgrading selected components such as the hard drive to SSD and an optional new battery whilst ensuring the cosmetic finish of the product is that of the highest second-user product on the market.

Refurbished is simply a cleaned second user product with no consistent quality or specifications.

Save money and the environment

By purchasing laptops from Circular Computing™ you are not only helping save the planet but you’re also getting better value for money on enterprise grade laptops from HP, Lenovo and Dell.

Make the switch today

Still not sure? Get in touch with us today to learn more about the environmental and financial benefits of buying your business laptops from Circular Computing™. Or check out Circular Computing’s case studies and see how other organisations like yours have made the switch.