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Synchronised Security: Cybersecurity as a System

Cybercriminals’ methods of attack are becoming more sophisticated every day, making it hard for security tools to keep up. What’s more, these attacks no longer focus on one area, cyber criminals want to exploit your infrastructure in as many ways as possible for maximum effect. Some people are under the impression that having security solutions spanning across multiple suppliers increases your protection, this is not the case. Our cybersecurity partner Sophos have a solution to offer maximum protection for your business, Synchronised Security.

Cybersecurity as a System

If cybercriminals want to attack your IT in multiple places then it makes sense for your security solution to work as a system – covering all the bases. This is the definition of Sophos Synchronised Security – “cybersecurity as a system”. This new solution from Sophos enables your security products to share information and work together when there is a threat. Here is an example of how that works:

  1. Sophos Endpoint (antivirus) detects a malware attack
  2. Sophos Endpoint shares infection status with the security system, triggering automatic responses
  3. Sophos XG Firewall isolates the infected computer preventing the attack from spreading
  4. Sophos Endpoint cleans up the infection. Once the malware is removed, Sophos Endpoint shares this update with the cybersecurity system
  5. XG Firewall restores network access. Root cause analysis provides detailed view of what happened so it can be addressed.

What are the benefits of synchronised security?

Discover: On average 45% of network traffic can’t be identified by a firewall alone. Synchronised Security gets your firewall working together with your endpoint(s) allowing you to see ALL of your network traffic.

Analyse: 83% of IT managers say malware threats are getting harder to stop, with Synchronised Security 85% agree their security posture has improved.

Respond: Traditionally, fixing infected computers could take IT managers days. Synchronised Security takes that down to minutes by automatically responding to incidents. According to Sophos research, Synchronised Security slashes average time needed to identify and remediate a computer from 3.3 hours to 8 seconds.

Already have antivirus from another provider?

Many of you reading this may be thinking – but I’ve just signed a 2 year contract for Antivirus with another provider! Fear not – you can still reap the benefits of synchronised security right now. All you need is a Sophos Firewall and Intercept X to enable everything to ‘talk’ to each other and provide cybersecurity as a system. Intercept X can sit alongside your current antivirus and at the end of your antivirus contract, BITC can seamlessly switch you over to Sophos for even better synchronicity.

Next steps

For a more in depth explanation of how Sophos Synchronised Security stops advanced threats check out their video: https://youtu.be/6cx3lw8reBY

Like what you see? Contact us to find out how you can revolutionise your security with Synchronised Security.