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The top 3 security solutions your business needs in 2020

The cybersecurity space is filled with products to help your business keep secure but it can be hard to cut through the noise and understand the core security solutions every business should have to ensure they are protected. There are a number of additional products that can enhance your protection even further, but these are often only relevant to specific business environments. To make it simple, we’ve listed the top 3 Sophos security products we believe every business should have to protect against ransomware, enable secure remote working and improve efficiency.

1. Sophos Intercept X

Sophos Intercept X delivers the world’s best endpoint protection with multiple layers of protection using multiple technologies. Unlike other endpoint protection providers, Intercept X uses deep learning technology to identify known and unknown (never before seen) threats. When a user is working in their office generally the company’s firewall enforces web filtering rules, however when working from home, unless connected to a VPN, your home working device needs to pick up that role. Intercept X has web control capabilities to prevent users accessing potentially risky websites and stops harmful file types being downloaded. Sophos Intercept X has also recently announced new features which you can find out more about here.

2. Sophos XG Firewall

Firewalls are crucial in protecting your business from attacks to your network. Sophos XG Firewall provides comprehensive next-generation firewall protection that exposes hidden risks, blocks unknown threats, and automatically responds to incidents. Your firewall is also a crucial element of secure remote working. If you connect into your organisation’s network using a VPN then this connection needs to be secured, with Sophos XG Firewall the VPN ‘tunnel’ you connect into is encrypted which secures transmission of traffic between the firewall and remote device. You can find out more about this works in our post “Keeping your business secure wherever you’re working”.

3. Email Scanning

Whilst your firewall and endpoint security provide 2 layers of security for your business they can be enhanced even further with Sophos Email Scanning. Even with best efforts, sophisticated spam emails can still go undetected by employees, especially in our busy day to day lives. Sophos Email Scanning makes it easy to block phishing imposters and protect employees from attacks using fraudulent email addresses that impersonate trusted contacts. Find out more about Sophos Email Scanning here.

Centrally managed with Sophos Central

Sophos Central provides a centrally managed portal where you can manage the 3 security solutions above and more, giving full visibility of your suite of security solutions. For many of our clients who don’t have their own IT resources, Bristol IT can manage Sophos Central on your behalf.

Enhance your security for 2020 and beyond

Whilst we recommend the above tools as being the 3 key security solutions your business should have there are also a number of additional products that can enhance your security further. These include:

  • Intercept X for Server
  • Intercept X for Mobile
  • Sophos Mobile
  • Cloud Optix

When we engage with clients we always carry out a discovery exercise to understand fully an organisation’s security requirements so we can adopt the appropriate solutions. We won’t sell you something just for the sake of it. If you’d like to find out more about acquiring the most effective security solutions for your business please get in touch.