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Top 5 IT considerations when moving into serviced offices

When looking for office space for your business one of the options is a serviced office. A serviced office (as opposed to a managed office) has inbuilt services and facilities for businesses which are fully managed by a facilities management company. These services include furnished rooms and reception services. We have a number of clients in the serviced office industry and so are well practiced in understanding all the IT considerations required in these kinds of relocations. In this post we’ve come up with the top 5.

1. Broadband Speeds

Always make sure you find out what broadband speeds are available to you. You need to ensure they are suitable for the work you require, especially if your business is functioning via Cloud Infrastructure, or if it depends on access to the Internet.

2. Storage / Infrastructure

If you have your own IT Infrastructure, make sure the serviced office provider can cater for this, either by allowing you to store the equipment within your office space or within a secure server room. If you have noisy IT equipment you may not want it installed within your office space!

3. VPN Access

If you require VPN access to your IT systems, either by a client or to another Site, make sure that your serviced office provider can cater for this. There may be additional hardware that may need to be purchased to enable this service.

4. Wired & Wireless Access

Make sure there are enough network sockets for all your wired connections. If wireless is provided, make sure it is secured to your own private network. WiFi service provided as part of a serviced office can be oversubscribed and slow, with inadequate signal cover for your space, so you may need to look into installing your own dedicated wireless access points.

5. Security

Make sure you enquire about the Security of the network infrastructure & physical building security. This is to ensure your equipment can’t be accessed by unauthorised personnel, especially if you have your own infrastructure which will be installed in a shared comms room.


To ensure the move into your new office space is as smooth and problem-free as possible we urge you to review these 5 considerations. We have a long history of helping businesses move to serviced or managed offices, and will be delighted to help with your proposed move. Please call us on 0117 370 0777 to find out how with a free, no obligation consultation.