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Bespoke Software: Understanding users’ needs and solving their problems

As businesses grow, day to day operations become more complex. What you now require to work productively may go beyond your current solution’s capabilities. This is when a bespoke software solution might be the answer. Having your own bespoke software means you can have exactly (and only!) the features you require, in an application made for you. Software development can be a big project and so choosing the right provider is important. To give clients a better understanding of how we work, we’ve created our own Software Development Standards. We follow these when carrying out all software development projects. In this post we explore our first standard “Understanding users’ needs and solving their problems.”

Understanding users’ needs

In order to create an effective bespoke solution, it’s crucial you fully understand your client’s requirements. But what if they don’t know what they need? This is commonplace when selling IT products and solutions.When we develop software for our clients, we carry out a thorough exploratory exercise to gain a full understanding of how your business operates, including the pain points and shortfalls of your current solution. We speak to multiple departments to identify how the solution needs to work for a range of users. By gaining as much insight as possible from our client enables us to effectively solve their problems.

Solving their problems

Remaining focused on only solving our clients’ problems is a key element of how we work. Adding additional features outside of the original scope of the project, costs time and money and often overcomplicates the solution. We split client requirements into phases, tackling the main problem first. This gives us clarity that we have achieved the objectives of the software before we can think about any additional features. To ensure we are truly solving users’ problems we can build prototypes to test your hypotheses before committing to the final solution. In doing so, we can explore ideas faster and at lower risk, it improves the usability of the service and ensures we’re building the right solution.

Thinking about bespoke software development?

Embarking on the journey of bespoke software development may be daunting. Especially if you’re unsure of your requirements. That’s where we come in. By gaining an understanding of how your business operates we can develop software that streamlines processes and improves productivity.

You can find the full list of our Software Development Standards here or sign up to our mailing list below to receive our bimonthly blog posts straight in your inbox.