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What is digital transformation and why it’s important for your business online event

Explore what is digital transformation and why it’s so critical for your business with our latest webinar.


Wednesday 25th May, 2pm – 3pm

Register here

Digital transformation is a growing trend for businesses across the globe. With more companies and organisations looking at the advantages of digital technology in business and ways in which they can stay relevant and competitive, it’s vital to begin the journey towards digital transformation.

The term digital transformation can mean different things to different people. Salesforce defines it as the process behind digital technologies to create or modify existing business culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. Essentially the reimagining of business in the digital age is digital transformation.

We see digital transformation as a way of partnering with different companies and organisations to develop and improve digital adoption to make them more efficient and productive through IT.

During the one-hour talk, our experts will cover what is digital transformation and why it is important. Among the key themes will be how digital transformation can improve the customer experience and ways you can leverage it to increase productivity by using business intelligence to monitor and improve KPIs. The talk will also cover the cloud adoption journey and how Assured Digital Technologies can help support digital transformation by making organisations more efficient, scalable, and agile.

What we are covering:

  • What is digital transformation
  • Why digital transformation is important for businesses
  • Improving the customer experience
  • Increasing productivity & business intelligence
  • Critical cyber security steps
  • The cloud adoption journey
  • How we can help

The session will be recorded, with the event recording sent to those that register and the ability for you to watch on-demand.

You can register below.

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