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What is the best connectivity solution for your business?

The world of internet connectivity is full of jargon and acronyms – FTTC, ADSL, wireless and broadband to name a few. For many business owners the technology is almost irrelevant. All they really need to know is what solution offers the fastest, most reliable service within their budget. We’ve broken down the 3 key solutions simply to help you understand what’s right for you:


Remember this? This technology is fast becoming redundant. ADSL involves sending data over existing copper telephone lines and so is the most available solution. ADSL is by far the cheapest option but also offers the slowest speeds. With maximum download speeds of ~24Mps and upload speeds of ~1.4Mps it’s no longer a viable option for businesses with many users. What’s more there is no SLA so if your business (like most!) requires reliable uptime then this is not the solution for you!

Key takeaways: cheapest, slowest, old-fashioned!


The next technology up from ADSL is Fibre. BT offers a range of fibre solutions including Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) which you’ll have probably heard of. FTTC means that the connection from the cabinet to the exchange uses fibre which is faster than using a copper telephone line as above. Download and Upload speeds are therefore higher than ADSL (Up to ~80Mbps and ~10Mbps). Virgin also have their own fibre solutions with various speed options dependent on your requirements and budget. However as with ADSL, these fibre solutions don’t have an SLA making them potentially unreliable and unsuitable for businesses who need to be ‘always on’.

Key takeaways: faster, no SLA, asynchronous speeds

Leased Lines

The above connectivity options are very much consumer solutions. If you want a fast, reliable, uncontended and synchronous (equal upload and download speeds) internet connection for your business then a leased line is the most suitable. A Leased Line solution can offer speeds up to a whopping 10Gbit* (that’s 10,000Mbps!).What’s more if you opt for a backup line the uptime guaranteed by your provider can be more than 99.9%. You may be thinking, this all sounds great but how much will it cost me? Well, in 2018 the Government launched a Gigabit Voucher Scheme allocating £67m for businesses installing a leased line, meaning if you’re eligible you could save up to £2500!

Key takeaways: fast, reliable, uncontended, money off!

GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network)

here is also another solution similar to leased lines which is more affordable for SMEs. GPON uses the same technology as leased lines but the total bandwidth (speed) available may be shared with other companies in the area.  Speeds of up to 1Gbps are still available but at a lower price. NOTE: You have to be close to the main GPON network to be able to get this type of connection though.

Key takeaways: fast, reliable, affordable money off!

Better Connectivity = Increased Productivity

Our long spanning experience in connectivity makes us experts in understanding the best solution for your business. Having a fast internet connection enables your employees to work more productively. Contact us today let us make sure you are getting the best service for your business.


*depending on available leased line bearer