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Why outsource your IT?

Managing an in-house IT function can be an expensive and complicated affair. For this reason, many companies choose to outsource their IT support needs. However there are still businesses who believe outsourcing IT services is an unnecessary additional cost and believe using their in house IT Team is sufficient. The benefits of outsourcing are often overlooked or not realised. We’ve compiled a list of the key benefits of outsourcing your IT whether you have an in-house IT Team or not:

Reduced cost

The cost of recruitment and the ongoing training of an in-house IT function can be expensive and time consuming. Depending on how much you outsource, these costs can be eradicated completely.

Risk management

By outsourcing your IT support you can relax knowing that someone else is looking after your business. Plus, our business continuity planning will ensure you are always up and running.

Bridge the skills gap

Keeping an internal IT manager trained on the latest technologies is time-consuming with the ever changing technical landscape. With an outsourced IT team it is their job to be at the forefront of new and emerging technologies. What’s more, having an entire outsourced IT team means a greater breadth of experience.

Ongoing review of IT

As an IT provider it’s our job to continually assess your IT infrastructure and identify areas which can be improved on to help save money and increase efficiencies.

Proactive maintenance over break/fix maintenance

Proactive remote monitoring of your IT network on a 24/7 basis as part of an outsourced IT Support contract allows issues and problems to be identified and addressed even before they affect the user. In addition to monitoring the network, all of the software updates and patch installations on all devices can be fully automated to maintain the integrity of your network. Diagnostics can be carried out on your server network to prevent these problems arising in the first place.

Improved staff productivity

Rather than relying on one in-house IT resource you have access to an entire team. This means sickness, holiday or general busy periods can be managed effectively.

Here at Bristol IT Company we have an extensive portfolio of products and services. Whether you’re looking for a complete managed IT service or ad-hoc support, speak to us today to see how we can take away the hassle of managing your IT.